Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday Lunch

11am... Today being a relatively normal day: It's cloudy and cold in SF. I find myself in front of my computer, looking for meaningfully employment and wondering what I will have for lunch. It's a about two hours 'til my favorite daytime program appears on the monitor to my right. That of course is the Dylan Ratigan Show. Until then I will try to spend the majority of my time cooking and then devouring a righteously delicious dish. Here's what I came up with after a gander into the fridge:

Grits w/ Chinese Broccoli and Mushrooms (1 large serving)

For the Grits:
1/2cup polenta/grits
2 1/2 cup water
1 tsp Old Bay seasoning
2 tsp butter
pinch sea salt

For the Veggies:
4-6 stems Chinese Broccoli
3-4 button mushrooms
1/4 cup water
1 tbsp canola/olive oil
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
pinch black pepper
pinch sea salt

For the End:
1/4 cup feta cheese
Siracha to taste

Start by boiling the water for the grits
Get your broccoli and mushrooms and give them a thick chop
Sautee broccoli stems in oil first for about five min, then add in leaves, mushrooms, water, and salt. Cover
Once your grit water boils toss in the grits and the butter
Bring it back to a medium boil then grab a whisk and start stirring
After a few minutes, bounce back and forth between mixing your veggies and stirring your grits
Once grits thicken lower the heat and put in the seasoning
When the veggies are to your liking pour in the vinegars, salt, and pepper
Serve on a big plate or bowl and add (liberally) the feta and Siracha over the top

This gem essentially made my Friday; time for a Ratigan Rant for some further elevation....

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